- 出席者リスト(FOMCメンバー、FRBスタッフなど)
- Developments in Financial Markets and Open Market Operations:金融市場および公開市場操作の進展
- Establishment of Standing Repurchase Agreement Facilities:常設レポファシリティ(新たな資金供給の枠組みの新設)
- Standing Repurchase Agreement Facility Resolution:国内向け常設レポファシリティ
- Standing FIMA Repurchase Agreement Resolution:海外中央銀行向け常設レポファシリティ
- Discussion of Asset Purchases:テーパリング(資産購入ペース縮小)に関する議論
- Staff Review of the Economic Situation:経済状況に関するスタッフのレビュー
- Staff Review of the Financial Situation:金融状況に関するスタッフのレビュー
- Staff Economic Outlook:スタッフの経済見通し
- Participants’ Views on Current Economic Conditions and the Economic Outlook:FOMCメンバーの経済状況・経済見通しの現状の見方
- Committee Policy Action:FOMCの金融政策案(結論)
- Voting for this action:上記政策案の賛成票
- Voting against this action:上記政策案の反対票
長い議事録ですが、市場は、上記赤字の「Discussion of Asset Purchases:テーパリング(資産購入ペース縮小)に関する議論」に特に注目しています。この項目の中の、重要な箇所を、以下に紹介します。
Most participants judged that the Committee’s standard of “substantial further progress” toward the maximum-employment goal had not yet been met. At the same time, most participants remarked that this standard had been achieved with respect to the price-stability goal. A few participants noted, however, that the transitory nature of this year’s rise in inflation, as well as the recent declines in longer-term yields and in market-based measures of inflation compensation, cast doubt on the degree of progress that had been made toward the price-stability goal since December. Looking ahead, most participants noted that, provided that the economy were to evolve broadly as they anticipated, they judged that it could be appropriate to start reducing the pace of asset purchases this year because they saw the Committee’s “substantial further progress” criterion as satisfied with respect to the price-stability goal and as close to being satisfied with respect to the maximum-employment goal. Various participants commented that economic and financial conditions would likely warrant a reduction in coming months. Several others indicated, however, that a reduction in the pace of asset purchases was more likely to become appropriate early next year because they saw prevailing conditions in the labor market as not being close to meeting the Committee’s “substantial further progress” standard or because of uncertainty about the degree of progress toward the price-stability goal. Participants agreed that the Committee would provide advance notice before making changes to its balance sheet policy.
しかし、FOMCメンバーの他の何人か(Some others)は、労働市場の一般的な状況が委員会の「実質的なさらなる進展」に近づいていないと見たため、テーパリング(資産購入のペースの縮小)は、来年初めに適切となる可能性が高いと指摘しました。